Initiating the Journey
to Wellness

We understand that each patient's needs are unique, and everyone's story is one of a kind. This is why we offer personalized care and attention that directly caters to the specific requirements of those who will benefit from our outpatient program. This commitment begins the moment you first reach out to us, whether through a phone call or online contact.

What are the next steps to live at the E Street House?

Initial Inquiry

Stage 1

Contact us today by phone or email to begin the process.

Information Gathering

Stage 2

We will connect you with our Admissions Team to gather more information about your support needs.

We will also provide you with detailed information about our programs during this stage.


Stage 3

The admissions team will help determine what level of clinical support would be best and if you are a good fit for the outpatient program.

On the designated move-in date, you'll transition to E Street House and begin your journey toward improved mental health and wellness.

Embark on the Journey
to Mental Wellness
and Recovery

Contact Us Today!

Begin The Journey

Support for Families

Clinician Resources

Support for families experiencing mental health or substance use challenges.

Support for Clinicians, Explore integrated mental health care programs and options for your patients.

Discover How
E Street House
Can Help.