Strength in Support: Empowering Families Together

When your loved one needs more support

E Street House is dedicated to promoting recovery, mental well-being, and strong family connections. Our comprehensive approach provides stability, professional care, a supportive community, and valuable resources for individuals facing mental health challenges, aiding them on their journey to recovery.

We recognize the vital role that family plays in this process and encourage regular visits and outings to support both recovery and overall mental well-being. Your family's involvement is a cornerstone of our commitment to holistic care.

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Convenient and comprehensive care for families

What support does E Street House provide for your loved one?

Life Skills Training

E Street House focuses on providing skills training, and helping individuals with mental health and recovery-based challenges learn essential skills for daily living. This can lead to increased independence, reducing the need for family involvement in day-to-day tasks.

Access to Professional Services

E Street House and programming provides access to mental health professionals, counselors, and case managers. This ensures that residents receive the necessary therapeutic and mental health care, reducing the responsibility placed on family members to find and coordinate these services.

Stability and Safety

Supportive housing provides a stable and safe environment for individuals with mental health issues. This stability can help ease the concerns and anxieties of family members who worry about their loved one's well-being and safety.

Reduced Caregiver Burden

Supportive housing allows family members to take a break from the intense caregiving role, preventing caregiver burnout. Families can maintain healthier relationships with their loved ones when they have some respite from the demands of caregiving.

Crisis Intervention

The EStreet House has crisis intervention plans in place, helping to prevent and manage mental health crises. This can provide peace of mind to family members, knowing that their loved one is in a place equipped to handle emergencies.

E Street House support helps to foster community among residents, providing opportunities for peer support and social interaction. This can be particularly valuable for individuals who may have isolated themselves from their families due to their addiction or mental health issues.

Peer Support

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San Rafael, California


Get Your Loved One Started
On The Path To Mental well-being and Recovery

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Support for Families

Clinician Resources

Support for families experiencing mental health or substance use challenges.

Support for Clinicians, Explore integrated mental health care programs and options for your patients.

A Path to Recovery and Family Wellness